
Spring.Takato Cherry Blossoms

Gifu Castle/Shirakawa-go

第1日:Day 1

From home, at 5 o'clock in the morning. R16, R20, R 152 to Takato in the evening. Appreciation of the cherry blossoms at evening ends on the first day.

出発 / Departure

5:09 ナビ、工人舎モバイルパソコン。動画撮影、ビクターGC-XA2
5:09 Navi, Kojinsha Mobile PC. Movie shooting, Victor GC-XA2

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休憩(ローソン瑞穂箱根ヶ崎店)、R16, R20
Break (Lawson Mizuho Hakonezaki store),R16, R20

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大月駅 / Otsuki Station

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茅野駅、昼食 / Chino Station, Lunch

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伊那市駅 / Inashi Station

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Takato castle ruins park

就寝 / Going to bed

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