アルプスへ:To the Alps

Day 4/May11,2016(Wed)

It is day four. Today 's schedule, give up the mountain course from Chino, get off at Matsumoto city and head to the road station Hakuba at R20 ~ R147.

am 5:56
道の駅「風穴の里」/ MichinoEki [Fuketsu no sato]

I got up at 4:30 in the morning.

fuktnst fuktnst fuktnst fuktnst fuktnst

am 8:17
ファミリーマート諏訪湖南店 / Family Mart Suwa Lake South Store

Convenience store break ・ Cheese burger, pudding etc.

famrmt_suwk famrmt_suwk famrmt_suwk famrmt_suwk famrmt_suwk famrmt_suwk

am 11:05
松本駅 / Matsumoto Station

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pm 0:01
山辺ワイナリー / Yamabe Winery

Gift. Choose a wine that is neither expensive nor cheap.

yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr yambwinr

pm 0:22
美ヶ原へ / To Utsukushigahara


It was terribly windy and it seemed to be blown away while looking at the vast sky and clouds and the mountains stand up the collar.
Rain also came up and it was a wonderful view.

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pm 5:32
鷹狩山展望台 / Mt.Takagari Observation Deck


From Hakubadake in the north to Jonendake in the south, the Mt.Takagari Observation Deck where you can see the mountains of the North Alps.
There was a little clouds hanging today.

takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi takkrymtnbdi

pm 6:10
青木湖 / Lake Aoki

A long time ago, I tried looking for a location where I took a picture with my family, but it was not clear.

aokik aokik aokik aokik

pm 6:26
道の駅「白馬」/ MichinoEki [Hakuba]

Today's accommodation.

hakb hakb hakb hakb hakb hakb hakb

pm 6:10
道の駅「白馬」/ MichinoEki [Hakuba]

A long time ago, I tried looking for a location where I took a picture with my family, but it was not clear.

hakb hakb hakb hakb


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